VND (Vietnamese Dong) Currency!

The Vietnamese Dong (VND) is the official currency in Vietnam.
Exchange rate as in Mar 31st, 2016 is 1 USD = 22,325 Dong
Bank notes currently in circulation are in denominations of 100 / 200 / 500 / 1,000 / 2,000 / 5,000 / 10,000 / 20,000 and 50,000 Dong and there are no coins used.
VND (Vietnamese Dong) Currency!

The U.S. dollar is more or less a second currency in Vietnam so that you can use it at major hotels and major establishments. Other foreign currencies are not readily accepted. A large supply of US$1, US$5 and US$10 are almost essential for tipping, for small expenses and for hotel bills. U.S. money is so common that change will frequently be given in dollars.
You may bring in an unlimited amount of foreign currency as long as it is declared on the forms provided by customs officers. Foreign currency can be exchanged for dong at your hotel or at the State Bank of Vietnam.